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Thursday, June 5, 2014

LAST TFIOS Movie Entry, Okay?? (...Okay.)

This is it, you guys. The TFIOS movie is coming out this week. My expectations are so high, they are going to come crashing to the ground if it isn't perfect. But as John Green said in his vlog, he doesn't get a cut from the movie, and if he didn't like it he would say so, and he loves it, so that's a good sign.

So to get you psyched for the premiere, here are some links you may want to check out:

  • In case you're lucky enough to traverse far and wide, you can see TFIOS tonight instead of Friday! It's called The Night Before Our Stars, and it includes a simulcast with the cast/crew/author, live performances by Birdy and Nat & Alex Wolff, and gifts, such as a charm bracelet and poster. Attendees will also get to see John Green's cameo, which was famously cut from the film. (Or some theaters, like the Harrisonburg Regal 14, are doing "midnight" showings at around 9:00 PM, without all the fancy stuff. Still! The movie!)
  • BuzzFeed has been obsessed with TFIOS. Here are 8 cool facts about the book/movie that you may not have known! (For example, did you know the "I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once" line was inspired by Hemingway?)
  • Ansel, Shai, and John drew what they thought love looked like, and the results are adorkable.

  • John Green was recently featured in The New Yorker. The article is long because it follows him around as he does a lot of what he does in his life--and he has a lot going on, obviously--but if you read anything, skip to the bottom and read from the giant O to the end. It describes a video chat that John has with a group of kids who happen to have cancer. I don't want to tell you much about it, except that they have questions you might have about the book/movie and he answers them, so you might get some resolution (or not).
  • This movie reviewer from the Chicago Sun-Times says Shailene Woodley should get an Oscar for TFIOS. Wow.
  • Finally, after you watch TFIOS and want some more books to read this summer (because, you know, you need to get your hours in for the SUMMER READING GAMES), here's a suggested list of 17 books you may also like!


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