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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Literary Playlist: Since You've Been Gone

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson is the perfect summer-themed pick-me-up in this dreary winter. It's about Emily, whose best friend Sloane vanished but left her a list of things she needed to do that summer without her. The list is difficult to manage because shy, reserved Emily would never dream of kissing a stranger or picking apples at night. She manages to make an unlikely friend in Frank Porter, a super popular guy from her school. He helps her with her list while she helps teach him how to be a long-distance runner.

In a well-ordered universe, you would hit play on this compilation of Emily and Frank's running jams.
[NOTE: This is a playlist of songs the author mentioned in the book. MRL is not responsible for nor does it endorse the content of non-MRL websites. Users should use critical judgment in relying on information found in these websites and determine what information is appropriate to their needs.]

*Note: We have the audiobook version of Since You've Been Gone available for online checkout! See this post for more deets.


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