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Friday, May 22, 2015

Fun YA Quizzes!!!

Admit it: You've spent waaaayy too much time doing online quizzes when you could have been doing homework. So we decided to make it a little easier for you. Here are some of our favorite book quizzes we've found online.

Which Teen Book Character Are You?
via quibblo.com

Camp Half Blood Parentage Test (Mostly Accurate)
via quotev.com

How Many Of These Young Adult Books Have You Read?
So little time, so much to read.
via buzzfeed.com

The Harry Potter Night Sorting Hat quiz
Ever wonder which house you'd be in if you went to Hogwarts? We're celebrating Harry Potter Book Night with this sorting-hat quiz, which will answer this forever!
via theguardian.com

Are You More Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy?
Take this magical quiz to find out!
via buzzfeed.com

Are You More Ron Weasley Or Hermione Granger?
Either way, you'll be BFFs with the Chosen One.
via buzzfeed.com

Can You Guess The "Harry Potter" Character By These Emojis?
Do You-Know-Who? Warning: spoilers.
via buzzfeed.com

Which "Harry Potter" Core Subject Would You Get An Outstanding In?
Remember, swish and flick!
via buzzfeed.com

Who Is Your YA Boyfriend?
via popsugar.com

Who is your YA book boyfriend? [Yes, another quiz about YA boyfriends!]
via gotoquiz.com

Book lovers: What's your reading personality?
via bookbrowse.com

Which of the March sisters from Little Women are you? 
Let's face it, no one can read Louisa May Alcott's novel without identifying with one of the four March sisters. Find out which one you really are!
via theguardian.com

Insurgent by Veronica Roth - quiz
To celebrate the release of Insurgent, the second film in Veronica Roth's Divergent trilogy, we have created a quiz to see how big a fan you are!
via theguardian.com

The Alice in Wonderland quiz
The Imagine Festival is celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! We have lots of events that you can come to during the festival. Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk? How well will you do in our Alice quiz?
via theguardian.com

Which classic book would be perfect for me? 
Is your new year's resolution to read some classic books? Take our classics match quiz to find your ideal classics read!
via theguardian.com

LGBT characters in teen fiction - quiz
LGBT characters and storylines are becoming more and more common in YA fiction. But can you tell your LGBT from your YMCA? Take our quiz and find out just how out and proud about your reading you should be!
via theguardian.com

What YA Book Should You Read Next?
Wondering what to bump up on your TBR? Let us help you narrow your choices...
via uppercasebox.com

And aaaalll of these quizzes from Sporcle.com

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