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Thursday, October 2, 2014

"Can You Get Too Old For YA Novels?"

The Denver Post published an article called "More Adults Than Youths Are Reading Young Adult Fiction." If so many adults are reading YA, that makes us wonder why they're interested in books targeted toward a younger audience.

Here are some reasons we've compiled as to why adults are reading YA:
  • Young adult author John Green wrote an article for Cosmopolitan--yeah, you read that right--about the YA phenomenon across age groups. Green contends that the YA genre is so appealing to other age groups because the books contain "unironic emotional honesty."
  • Alyssa Rosenberg wrote in the Washington Post that some adults are "highly engaged readers, and are simply adding YA novels to other categories of books they read."
  • Rosenberg also believes that even YA novels with unhappy endings prepare us for the blow better than adult novels.
  • Others believe YA books are popular because it's a chance for adults to recapture their glory days.
  • Another reason could be that YA books are more abundant, popular, and relatable today than before. Even though YA pioneers like Judy Blume, Madeleine L'Engle, and even Mark Twain did wonders for teen lit, the YA genre is booming now.
  • A staff member here believes it's a form of escapism; adults like to forget their adult-ish problems and focus on a YA character.
  • Some parents also like to read what their YA children are reading as a way of connecting to them. (Remember that episode of Parks and Rec about the dad who reads Twilight with his daughter?)
  • In the comment section of this CNN article, one reader sums it up: "A good book is a good book regardless of its intended audience."

What do you think? If you're a young adult, why do you believe adults love the genre more than ever before? If you're an adult, why do you love to read YA books? Comment with your opinion!


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